Sunday, September 8, 2013

Photo-a-Day challenge at FatMumSlim's--September 1-8

I've been following Barbara at Cat Patches for awhile now. Not long ago she started posting the most interesting pictures! I started clicking on links in her blog and found the original post of how to play the Photo-a-Day Challenge hosted by FatMumSlim. I discovered there is a group on Facebook where I've been posting daily, but thought it would be fun to share my photo posts here as well. Thank you Barbara for posting something new that caught my interest!

So, the premise is, there is a list posted just before the first of each month with a prompt for each day of the upcoming month. Here's the list for September, the point at which I joined the fun. Pictures can be posted on Facebook, Twitter (which I have resisted signing up for so far), Pinterest, or blogs, or wherever else we decide to post them. So far, I'm trying to keep up with the daily posts to FB and am adding a weekly blog post just for fun, especially since a number of my pictures will be quilt/crafty related.
Here's my contributions for week one...

9/1: Together... Although my sister-in-law Cindy lost her battle with cancer in May, we will be working together on this beautiful quilt top that she started and I will finish as I add my touches to make it ours.

9/2: My name begins with... L! Ms. Moondance Gal loves wearing her vintage, sparkly monogram pin.

9/3: Lines... of quilting from the back of my granddaughter's quilt I'm finishing for her birthday later this month.

9/4: Alone... on the road through Death Valley this summer with a single cloud to keep me company.

9/5: Here forever... After 69 years of marriage and six years apart, on 4/2/12 my parents were reunited for eternity. My brother made this beautiful memory box for me to hold pictures of our folks, the guest book from their memorial services, and other precious items to be cherished here forever.

9/6: Getting ready... to start a new quilt for my great-great-niece due in December!

9/7: White... the Amish doll my mom made for me out of my gramma's vintage linens.

9/8: Made by me... a quilted mandala I designed and made for a class final creative project.

So, new adventures continue as I try my hand at becoming more aware of the world around me (instead of staying holed up inside my home quilting or studying). It's been an interesting challenge to come up with something to fit the prompts, but as I read ahead new ideas are already popping.

More snippets from the sewing room soon,

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